Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A better surfer is an in-shape one!

Are you looking to become a better surfer?  Are you thinking about taking lessons and becoming an expert overnight?

It simply won't happen...surfing is tough!  However, becoming a good surfer has a lot to do with your physical shape.  Surfing uses a lot of different muscles and if you train the right ones, you will be riding those waves like you have been doing it for years!

The Surfing Workouts

Functional training is effectively training for a purpose. In this case the purpose is to make you a better surfer. In the Total Surfing Fitness program, all exercises are intended to help your body become more effective at carrying out all the movements undertaken whilst surfing. This includes paddling, duck diving, popping up and manuevers whilst riding the wave.

To train for these movements, you will need to concentrate on certain components of your fitness. This includes upper body strength and endurance, balance, core stability & strength, lower body strength & power, flexibility, mobility and cardiovascular endurance.

Below are some sample exercises from the Total Surfing Fitness – surfing workouts…

Get more details on Surfing Workouts and Training Programs here.

The Total Surfing Fitness – Surfing Workouts Training Program employs the most effective surfing exercises for the task of improving your surfing fitness. You won’t find isolated muscle exercises or machine based exercises in this program. All exercises will train multiple muscle groups at the same time. When you are surfing you are using lots of different muscles at any one time depending on your action. Therefore you should train the same way. This has benefits from both a performance perspective and an injury prevention perspective.

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